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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

10 random thoughts for the day.

1) The Starbucks Mint Mocha Chip Frappachino (or however that's spelled) is freakin' awesome. Get them to double blend it b/c the chips are a bit much. (It's a "light" frapp, so even better.)

2) If you've taken a week's time off of work over the course of 2 months to tend to you children who have colds, do not complain to me about not having any time off. Furthermore, if you're not at work, you're off. Granted it's not a vacation day, but it's not a day spent at work either.

3) When your only two immediate coworkers take vacations back to back leaving you to hold the fort down for 3 weeks straight? It's ok to be irritated.

4) Studying, no matter what you're studying for, sucks.

5) Finding someone to take all the trees down in your yard (12 of them) so that you can get a little sun in your life? PRICELESS.

6) The same someone from #5 only charging you $1K? An angel sent from the baby Jesus to bring that sun into your life.

7) Wear sunscreen.

8) If you're 33 and you go back to school and expect it to be easy, you will fail. It's going to be hard, it's going to get harder. Suffer through.

9) No food is better studying food than popcorn.

10) The very best feeling in the whole world is coming home and Thor goes insane wanting to see you.. jumping up and down needing a hug. It's not a substitute for a child.... but it goes a long way to making that pain a little more bearable.


Angie said...

Yeah, she just needs to shut up- you know who I'm talking 'bout....

J said...

I agree with #10! It's the highlight of my day to come home and have my little corgi so happy and excited to see me. It's by no means a substitute but wonderful anyway!

Oh and to go along with #2, I always hate when people sign up for oodles or overtime and then complain how they don't have any time off. Shut the hell up, you did it to yourself!

Thanks for making me smile today!
