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Sunday, November 27, 2011

The weather...

So I predicted we would get some snow, flurries or what not, this past week. Not only was I WRONG about that, but it has been extremely warm during the day.  This has been good for my boy since he likes the outside more than the inside (who does he get that from? My mom maybe?) 

I keep wondering when Winter is going to kick in. I'm ready man! I want some cold weather. Gimme some highs in the 40's and lows in the teens. I need it.  I feel bad for the beautiful people who get SAD, but I don't. I need my winters. Plus, if it snows I'm free from going to work. I live too far away.

PS I never heard back from the author I emailed. The consensus was that I am not a jerk face for emailing him.

PPS I just started my first Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child. I REALLY like it!!

PPPS Don't read David Baldacci's One Summer. It's gut wrenching and doesn't have a happy enough ending to make all that emotion worth it. Sorry Davy.

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