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Sunday, February 12, 2012

So Yesterday...

Was not a great day. The night shift just about took my wind outta my sails for a bit. I made it home and slept like the dead for 6 hours.  Then I got up and played with my boys and cooked them supper. It was nice. It was nice to be there altogether.  Then is snowed for all of 12 seconds. Then I went back to bed. So yeah, Not eventful.

But ya know what? I am the luckiest person I know. And I take it for granted that I'm healthy and I have a healthy, happy family. If people who are going through the worst thing of their lives can be grateful and appreciative of their family, why can't I? And I am, I know I am... but sometimes that gets lost in the hustle and bustle and exhaustion of another day.

So it's time to put it forefront of my life. Starting NOW.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I am having some difficulties keeping my eyes on the prize this morning. The prize being my bed and sleeping. I tried to read, but my eyes keep crossing. Coffee isn't cutting the mustard either. Damn it! What am I going to do??!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Important Decisions

This is worthy of it's own post.

If I were to become a Vampire Slayer... I decided I would only wear black leather pants and I would invest in some spikey, black, steel-toed boots. I'd wear various colored tops, I'd probably wear a kick-ass leather jacket too.

I was watching Buffy earlier and I wonder why she doesn't wear steel-toed boots... that lead to my thought of what I would wear. Since Slayers have awesome bodies, I would rock those leather pants. I mean my ass would be butter in those pants. And even though I'd be incredibly strong and fast- the steel-toed boots would be an asset.

The String Test

Ok, yeah, most old wives tales are a little hokey. I know.  But this? This is cool!

The idea is you put a wedding band (it does not need to be YOURS) on a string. The person you're "testing" holds their right hand palm up and you dangle the string with the band hanging down over their palm.  If the string moves circular- it's a girl. If the string swings back and forth- it's a boy. If the string doesn't move- you won't give birth. You repeat the process to determine how many children you'll have and what gender.

So that's the idea in a nutshell. I read that if you're already pregnant you can dangle it at your babybump and it'll do the same thing to tell the gender, but as I am not pregnant this is not applicable to me yet.

My coworker Rou told me about this trick and, like you are now, I scoffed. Silliness. But then she showed me- I am going to have two boys. It swayed back and forth twice then stopped the third try.  We then went to another co-worker Linh. She has two children, a girl first, then a boy. And what do you think happened? First it went round and round, then it swayed back and forth, then nothing. Yes, Seriously.  Then we tried another co-worker Kim... same results- she has two girls, two round and round and then a stop.

So it's very exciting to "know" I'm going to have another boy when I get pregnant again... and to be relaxed about having another one because I will.

And yeah, I know that this is for entertainment purposes... sort of like your horoscope. But it was fun and eerily accurate... so I'm a believer.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Baby # 2?

No, Hell no... I'm not pregnant. Not yet at least. 

So as the title says, #2... Wow, right? I'm 37. I'll be 38 in April. Then 39. Then 40. (!!!!) We're not long on time for the "tryin'" now.  So we went right to fertility drugs. We had a miscarriage right before Christmas. Disappointing, but then there's HEY! IT WORKED! Too. So a heaping bag of mixed emotions from Santa.

So now, this weekend is the weekend that's the weekend for the trying.  My problem is, ugh. I'm tired. My husband is super sexy. But, ugh. So tired. I haven't felt very "special" lately. It's all these night shifts I think. So, I have to get into lovin' mode. I might try to find some (VERY) inexpensive sexy undies. Then I'll wear them and not tell Mark and that'll make me mysterious and sexy. Right? Right.

So wish us luck. I'd like to get the pregnancy part underway. That way when Baby #2 is born I'll only dirt old and not older than dirt. Dig?

So here's where we stand on possible baby names: Elizabeth Jewel or Owen Alexander.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I KNEW IT!!!!!

This morning I sat on the floor sipping on a cup of coffee watching my almost 2 year old crawl around, chase the dog, and make meow sounds. It was bliss. It was so settling just to be near him.

It's been a good day. I found out there are still good, no- Great!, people in the world. They can be strangers, neighbors, old, young, male, female, but they're out there. They'll surprise you, please you, make you cry... but they exist!  I mean I always knew the world still possessed good people beyond my own personal little world. But now I KNOW.

As Peter Pan would say "I do! I do! I do believe..."

So if you're reading this, and you know who you are, Thanks for making my day!! <3

What a great thought to head to bed with!