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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Baby # 2?

No, Hell no... I'm not pregnant. Not yet at least. 

So as the title says, #2... Wow, right? I'm 37. I'll be 38 in April. Then 39. Then 40. (!!!!) We're not long on time for the "tryin'" now.  So we went right to fertility drugs. We had a miscarriage right before Christmas. Disappointing, but then there's HEY! IT WORKED! Too. So a heaping bag of mixed emotions from Santa.

So now, this weekend is the weekend that's the weekend for the trying.  My problem is, ugh. I'm tired. My husband is super sexy. But, ugh. So tired. I haven't felt very "special" lately. It's all these night shifts I think. So, I have to get into lovin' mode. I might try to find some (VERY) inexpensive sexy undies. Then I'll wear them and not tell Mark and that'll make me mysterious and sexy. Right? Right.

So wish us luck. I'd like to get the pregnancy part underway. That way when Baby #2 is born I'll only dirt old and not older than dirt. Dig?

So here's where we stand on possible baby names: Elizabeth Jewel or Owen Alexander.

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