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Sunday, May 9, 2010

My First Mother's Day!

In the past, I have always felt as if the word "Mother" was a relative term (no pun intended.) Having dealt directly with infertility for round about 9 years now, I wondered if it was a coping mechanism to feel as if I was a mother even without having any living flesh babies. Now that my son is here, I know that I know that it wasn't. It's different, of course, to have your own living flesh and blood squirming around in your arms as opposed to a pup licking your face or a kit nuzzling your arm... but that difference doesn't take away from the intention of love and care-giving.

So celebrate! If you're a Mom, a want-to-be Mom, a caring Aunt Mom, a Cat Mom, a dog Mom, a foster Mom, an adoptive Mom, a Mom to Angels, a step-Mom... Celebrate and know that giving birth to a baby doesn't make you any more or less of a Mom than all the love and care you give the living, breathing blessings in your life.

A special note to all my friends still dealing with infertility: You are loved. Your day will come. Never give up hope. My hopes, dreams, and prayers are with you every day during this journey, just as yours were with me. I could not have dealt with the ups and downs of my fertility issues without you. My son is proof positive that the journey is worth the work.

Another special note to my Mom: I miss you more today than ever before. Your Grandson is an amazing, beautiful baby. The only thing today lacks is your presence. I love you.

Have a great Mother's day everyone!

1 comment:

Robbyn said...

Beautiful post, Jenn! A belated Happy Mother's Day to you!