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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Prayer Request **UPDATED**

Hey Folks,

If you're the praying sort, please send one out for my husband, Mark's, brother Brian. He was admitted to the hospital yesterday and he is in kidney failure. They're not sure what's going on, they believe it's due to dehydration. He is only 30 years old. And has two small children, ages 8 and 4.

He could use all the good vibes, prayers, positive thoughts that can be sent his way and I sure would appreciate it.

Thank you.

04/08/09 2320 **UPDATE**

We went to see him. He's uncomfortable, but the doctors say that his kidney function is up and he's doing better. They think it was an antibiotic that he was taking that caused the problems.

I do not know if there is any permanent kidney damage, but from the information received it does not appear so.

Thanks to all of you with the well wishing and prayers. Y'all rocked it out. It's looking like he's going to be A-Ok.


Joyce said...

Hey honey - sending good thoughts to you and yours! :-)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, positively thoughts and prayers going that direction. As someone who has had kidney troubles, it's nothing to mess with....

Angie said...

Oh no, Jenn, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope they can figure it out and make him well again! Please keep us posted, and yes, he will definitely be in my prayers.