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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Memo to: My left ovary.

Dearest Ovary,

I appreciate the hard work you're putting in producing eggs. So please understand I'm not complaining or putting you down. But dude, let go. Those eggs need to go where you cannot follow. It's your JOB to let go. So just do it. You're hurting me. Like, physically.

Also, tell your friend Hormone that she can go fuck herself. Her tantrum inductions are NOT appreciated. AT.ALL. They make me look stupid.

Thanks in advance for your eternal cooperation.


Your owner


Angie said...

Why is it that when you're pissed off, it is still funny?!

Unknown said...

I'm just cool like that?

jem said...

hehehe...i like this one

Sandra said...

Hey Jenn - you made me laugh out loud with this one...