Dental work, Percocets and my job don't mix!
Percocets and frosties mix quite well.
Percocets and mac-n-cheese (from the box, thank you very much) work.
Percocets and reading don't work. Percocets and reading vampire fiction? REALLY don't work.
Percocets and sleeping, works like nobodies bidness... unless you've read vamp fiction... then not as well.
So, as you might can tell, I had more dental work done. This time I had TWO teeth removed, a root canal, and a cavity filled. That and an extensive cleaning. I've mentioned my love for my dentists lack of discretion regarding the use of narcotics. He gave me two Halcion to start with... then another halfway through. He gave me nitrous. And then gave me my precious percocets at the end.
Thanks to the Halcions and the nitrous, I slept through the root canal and the cavity. I woke up when they were cleaning. Then they gave me the third halcion, and I went back to sleep while they pulled my teeth.
While I"m on the subject. Here's a warning to y'all that think you know what's best when it comes to dentistry. If they tell you that you have to get your wisdom teeth out at age 18, they're not joking. They're not trying to just make money off of you. They mean it. I have lost the two teeth in front of my wisdom teeth on top (one off of each side) thanks to my ignorance. It doesn't matter how well you brush, or floss. If there isn't room, there just isn't room. And then, all the sudden (literally it feels) you're 34 years old, writing a blogger post on the benefits or percocet due to extensive dental work. Sucks. Only not, cause, HELLO! PERCOCET!!
I know that I speak of my percocet love a lot. I will admit this... I could totally be a pill head. If there was unlimited access to them, I'd be in trouble. Fortunately, I only have 17 left. I have to use them sparingly.
Dear readers, in all seriousness... I am not a narcotic junkie. I can barely function, much less work and live while taking percocet. I just figure I had better take advantage of it and enjoy it while I'm in pain. Hee.
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth cut out at the age of 17. It wasn't fun, but sounds like it beats what would have happened huh?
Hope you are feeling better.
Totally. You did the right thing. I was told at 18 to do it. And I didn't. And now? I SUFFER! Thanks!!! MWAH!!!
Percocets would be my drug of choice as well, would I to be a pill head. But then I have control issues so I think, not so much.
My name is Monica Stone and i would like to show you my personal experience with Percocet.
I am 35 years old. Have been on Percocet for 7 days now. It did help the pain but the side effects weren't worth it. I'd rather have the pain.
I have experienced some of these side effects-
nausea, very itchy, racing heart, anxiety, flashing lights(almost hallucinogenic?), weird dreams, tiredness
I hope this information will be useful to others,
Monica Stone
Percocet Prescription Medication
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