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Sunday, August 31, 2008

The novelty has worn off....

My Dear Mouth,

Ok. I've had enough. The percocet was fun and all... but I'm ready for you to stop hurting. I know you're sore at me for having put you through the torture that is dental work. I appreciate the effort you put out in getting me through that. I understand that you're angry with me. Other than treat you to the glorious coffee that you love... I don't know what else I can do to make amends.

I have brushed you oh-so-gently... I have eaten the softest foods I can find. I don't know what else to do to coax you into not hurting anymore. When I take the percocet I pretty much can't function...

Help me help you. Stop hurting.

Thanks in advance.

the rest of my face


Angie said...

Sounds like it may be time to switch to Tylenol, like my mom made me do when I had my wisdom teeth out- it sucks and you have to take it more often, but at least you can function! :-)

Unknown said...

I tried that.. ha. I only took one (perc) today, after dinner.

Portia said...

Ugh. That's the worst. I hope your mouth responds amicably to your letter:)

Mar said...

You really make me not ever want to go to the dentist. And I have to very badly...I have a million cavities.