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Sunday, February 12, 2012

So Yesterday...

Was not a great day. The night shift just about took my wind outta my sails for a bit. I made it home and slept like the dead for 6 hours.  Then I got up and played with my boys and cooked them supper. It was nice. It was nice to be there altogether.  Then is snowed for all of 12 seconds. Then I went back to bed. So yeah, Not eventful.

But ya know what? I am the luckiest person I know. And I take it for granted that I'm healthy and I have a healthy, happy family. If people who are going through the worst thing of their lives can be grateful and appreciative of their family, why can't I? And I am, I know I am... but sometimes that gets lost in the hustle and bustle and exhaustion of another day.

So it's time to put it forefront of my life. Starting NOW.

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