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Sunday, November 2, 2008

If I could only time travel!

I would travel forth to a time where 1) the election was OVER. 2) My two upcoming tests were over. 3) Actually, all of school was over altogether, including the big test I have to take after all the "learning" is said and done.

Mostly though, I just want this fucking election over with. I am tired of hearing about it. I'm tired of talking about it. I'm tired of being at odds with the people around me over it. I'm tired of my opinions not being respected. Last night, my father kept putting words in my mouth. He'd say stuff like, "I know [this or that] doesn't matter to you, but...." Only I never said it didn't matter, I never said anything about it. So I kept having to say, I didn't say that dad.

oh, at one point he said, "I know you're pro-abortion..." What the fuck, Dad? When have you (or ANYONE) ever heard me say anything at all about being "Pro-Abortion"? NEVER is the right answer.

Anyway... so yeah... I can't wait until Tuesday is OVER with. O.V.E.R. And, I'm glad I have to work tuesday evening. That makes me very happy. I don't have to listen to anyone about it all day long. YAY.


Robbyn said...

AMEN to all that, Jenn!

Portia said...

i gather this is all in the past now, but i was right there with you on the election. i think those things go on wayyy too long.

i'm back from my blogging break and still catching up....:)