2012 has most definitely been MUCH better than 2011 was. 2010 only beat it out because Quinn was born that year and that was AWESOME.
I got a 14% raise, in two increments (One 12% market increase in summer, and then the typical 2% yearly.)
I got a new car with better payments.
All our bills are up-to-date.
We're working on buying the house we're living in.
Quinn only took one trip to the Doctor the whole year, that was his Well-child check up. Physically- he's sturdy and advanced, if a little on the thin side. Mentally, he speaks like a 4 or 5 year old. Thinks like one too. Emotionally, he's still an almost 3 year old. That makes things a little complicated sometimes.
Mr. P and Me... inspite of my other thread and I our- whatever it was- yesterday... are great. We're healthy, sex is better than it has ever been. His company isn't thriving necessarily, but hasn't failed either.
We are renting our house. We really want to buy it. But our renter is a close friend and our rent is exactly the mortgage so he's not gouging us.
We need to eat healthier.
We need to exercise more.
We need to find more family activities that are free and actually go to them.
So for 2013, I just really want us to buy our house. I think we'll have to wait until 2014.