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Saturday, March 28, 2009
Sleepless in, or around, Richmond VA
I have my days and nights mixed up... at least in the part of my brain that allows me to sleep. Between the complete and utter lack of physical movement on my part for the last two weeks, there have been an extraordinary amount of vicodin taken. This makes me sleepy. So, I sleep all day. Am up all night. And am so incredibly fucking bored that it makes me want to CRY CRY CRY.
I mean, it's 5am and I am watching "Death to Smoochy". I honestly believe that I am probably the only adult, nay person, alive or dead that adores this movie. And I do. It's awesome and fun. And Ed Norton is HOT. HOT. HOT. Plus, Jon Stewart? YES Please! Catherine Keener and Danny Devito (he also directed it.) Awesome! I adore them all... and add that Robin Williams is not the least bit annoying, perfect. My favorite scene is the Nazi one. It's truly awesome.
Speaking of Robin Williams... my forced relaxation has made me watch a bunch of movies. One of them is "License to Wed." I know. Don't judge me people. I really am just that bored. Anyway... it's cute. I don't hate it. It's got John Krasinski, who is, ok, not a great actor... but cute as a button.
Another movie I watched on my leave: "Mr. Brooks". So, if we're honest with ourselves, and we are, we don't expect much from Kevin Costner and Dane Cook combo. I mean, I think they're both easy on the eyes (Kevin has gotten easier, much easier, with age. Shuddup.) but that's about as far as they tend to go. This movie is AWESOME. It's a little slow in some parts, but on the whole, it's a fantastic thriller. Kevin Costner was Spot on. Dane Cook was... well... Dane Cook, but he's awful purty.
What else have I watched... hmmm... Oh.. tonight we watched "Reservation Road" 4 words for you. Joaquin Pheonix Mark Ruffalo. /discussion. They both do a great job. The ending was, well... eh. I wanted a little bit more. But it was really good. Plus, Jennifer Connely is amazingly beautiful and if I swung that (and I can't say I wouldn't for her) I'd be her Number 1 fan.
We also watched the new 007 "Quantum of Solace". It was good. I didn't expect much from it because people I know that watched it didn't think it was that great. I liked it though. Plus, Daniel Craig??? in the immortal words of pepe le pew.. le rowr. Le rowr rowr!!!!
We also saw "Hard Candy"... It was good... it was different. I don't think I like Ellen Page. I have yet to really enjoy a movie she was in. I detested "Juno"... Oh, I liked "Saved".. wait, that wasn't her. Who was that?? Jena Malone. I like her.
So.. that's most of the movies I've watched over the last couple of weeks. I also managed to finish season 5 of Angel. :Sigh: I miss that show. It was so good!!
Ok... I'm going to try to get more sleep. All the movies I mentioned have links to their IMDB page if you want more info. Cheers.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snow Day !!!!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Chubby chick makes waves with local radio station. Story at 11.
I did something out of character yesterday. I sent an email to the Vice-president of K-95 (a country radio station here in Richmond.) I've never done this sort of things before, but I had been thinking I needed to voice my opinion on some things regarding their radio station. Here's why: A few weeks back I was listening to the morning show. They were promoting the Jessica Simpson concert and Catfish made some off-color comments regarding her supposed weight gain. I rolled my eyes and ignored it.... but then he did it again the next day and the next. Then last week he made similar derogatory comments about someone else. Usually I will just brush it off, it wasn't said to me or about me so I will ignore it... but for some reason I couldn't let this go anymore. It seems to me that Catfish has been put in a position where people look up to him, everyone loves him. So it should follow that he's respectful and considerate in returne.
So I emailed Mr. Willoughby. The web site said he was the vice president... here's what I said:
Dear Mr. Willoughby,
I have been a loyal listener to K95 for quite some time now. I am 35
years old and began listening to your radio station in my teens. The
majority of my adult life I have worked evenings and nights in a local hospital
here in Richmond. A couple of years ago I switched to day-shift which
allowed me to listen to the locally esteemed Catfish and Lori. I work
45-50 hours a week and listen to K95 just about that much as well. The
majority of the time I enjoy their banter and their segments, however, I have a
growing concern about some off-handed remarks that have been made by
A few weeks back they were promoting the Jessica Simpson concert.
Catfish made several "humorous" remarks about her weight gain on multiple
occasions. Then again this earlier this week I heard him make similar
remarks about another woman, though I can't remember that woman's name. I
understand he's joking and probably means no offense by these remarks. I
can't help but be concerned though, I am starting a family with my husband and
we want to raise our family to accept all human beings and not to make fun of
their short-comings or imperfections, whatever they may be. I think with
all the tension and stress in the world right now listening to the radio should
be comforting and relaxing. In other words, I don't want to hear ugly
remarks about women's bodies.
Your station bills itself on being "family" oriented. but I would no
sooner allow my children to listen to these sorts of remarks than I will listen
to them myself. Mark Wills has a song that you play on your station fairly
often called "Don't Laugh at Me". Maybe Catfish should take some time to
listen to that song and hopefully regain some perspective and perhaps realize
the error of his ways. If he can't, then I suggest he simply just keep his
nasty remarks to himself and off your public radio station.
Thank you for your time.
Jennifer L Mobley
I read it to Mark... he said it was good until I got to the end and that I was a little nasty at the end. I don't think that's true though, I think I was just making my point clear. :) Mr. Willoughby responded by saying:
Thanks Jennifer, I will forward your email to Catfish and our program
director. Food for thought...
Take care,
So, we'll see. I don't know what else will happen with it and I'm not sure how far I'm willing to take it. Probably not very far. I just felt like saying my peace. I'm sure that it will just be brushed off as some chubby chick who hasn't had enough to eat.... but that's ok. Nothing can ever change unless you try. So I tried.
I'm curious to know if anyone reading this thinks I was wrong to send that email? It won't hurt my feelings, I'd just like to know what you would've done. I can be a bit reactionary, and I'm sure that played into my decision to send it... but I am what I am, ya know? I don't want anything, I'm not going to sue them. I just want to be heard. Hopefully I will be.
I'll let you know if I hear anything more.